Student Government

From financial support to academic advocacy, SGA represents students as their official voice to the College’s administration and faculty in all matters of academic, extracurricular, and social issues. 

Learn more about SGA at Centre

About SGA

SGA consists of an Executive Council of officers and committee chairs, a Student Senate that handles academic issues, and a House of Representatives that oversees all clubs and organizations on campus. The organization meets biweekly to vote on club funding requests, legislation, and the varying needs of Centre College students. 

Elections: SGA holds elections at the beginning of each school year for class representative elections, with the Executive Council and Student Senate positions filled in the previous spring semester. 

Committees: Representatives serve on committees that deal with specific aspects of campus life. These representatives also approve all club funding and new student organizations. The six committees are Finance, Campus Improvements, Student Affairs, Programming, Dining Services, and Communications. 

Meet the SGA Leadership Team

Committees meet to conduct business in their respective areas. These committees often bring business to the general body of SGA which meets during fourteen general sessions held throughout the year. Students not currently members of SGA can also bring forward business. 

View the General Assembly Calendar

SGA is governed by its constitution which delegates roles and assigns powers. Any amendments to this document must be approved by the student body and the Centre College Board of Trustees. 

A Valued Investment

Each year, SGA allocates funding to student organizations to help cover costs and engage the Centre community. Our financial support includes Centre’s historic student newspaper, The Cento


of SGA budget is allocated to student organizations


Organizations qualify to receive funding from SGA

for more information about SGA